インドネシアのジャカルタにある国連開発計画(UNDP)とParticipate in DesignというNPOがまとめた、参加型の都市デザイン&データコレクションのツールキット・ガイド(Toolkit Guide on Participatory Urban Design & Data Collection)にstudio-Lの手法が紹介されました!
We are honoured to announce that we have been introduced in Toolkit Guide on Participatory Urban Design & Data Collection. It had been compiled by a nonprofit organisation called Participate in Design (P!D) in Singapore with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Jakarta.
The participatory approach is happening everywhere around the globe and it is grateful to be included in this Toolkit, yet we realised that there are still more we could do to contribute to our society.
Here is the Toolkit and hope you will find something that's helpful for you!
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